Quick and Easy Installation and Configuration of VoIP On 3CXPhone 6.0 SoftPhone.

With regards to BYOD client configurable softphones, the 3CXPhone SIP VoIP Phone has been my top pick for as long as couple of years, now.3CX Corp. has as of late overhauled their VoIP Phone from form 5 to rendition 6.0. This article diagrams the procedure and systems I utilized for downloading, introducing, and arranging adaptation 6.0 on my Windows 7 SP1 desktop.Other than the way that the 3CXPhone just works and doesn't crash like a portion of the other surely understood brand of softphones, the 3CXPhone VoIP Phone is FREE.In this instructional exercise, I will concentrate on the best way to introduce and design the 3CXPhone with CallCentric VoIP administration, which I myself use.I'll start by downloading the Windows form straightforwardly from the 3CX site. It's a 13.6 MB installer document. The particular form adaptation I will use for this instructional exercise is Version: 6.0.20943.0 . The right download connection may not be clear on their site. 
Note: (Update March 2015). 
3CX Corp. no more advances this variant 6 telephone. Be that as it may, the length of the download join works, it is a solid stand-alone softphone for direct association with your favored BYOD VoIP administration.The document name of the installer record is: 3CXPhone6.msi (download straightforwardly from this connection).( www.3cx.com/downloads/3CXPhone6.msi ).

  1. Once downloaded, start and run the installer file to begin the installation:
  2. Once the Installer runs, it will start the 3CXPhone Setup Wizard.
    Click Next to start the Wizard.            Accept the License Agreement. Click Next:
  3. Accept, or move, the Installation Folder file path default.
        Click Next                                           Click Install
  4. The whole process actually takes less than 1 minute.
    Click FINISH and Launch the 3CXPhone.
  5. Security Warning - Some users may have security software that may pop-up a warning the first time the 3CXPhone is run.  This happens so you can validate that this is a new software application that needs your approval before running and allowing to connect to the Internet.The first time the 3CXPhone is launched, it may present you with a "No SIP Profile found" message, or "No Active Accounts Configured" and "Not Set" status on the phone.
  6. However, if this is the very first time 3CXPhone has been installed on your PC, you will likely see a pop-up message:
  7. At this point, you would typically click on the "Create Profile" button.
    This will Open the "Accounts - Manage SIP Accounts" window.
  8. However, for the purpose of this tutorial, I'm going to suggest that you click on the "Cancel" button, for now.  (We will configure the CallCentric account later.).At this point, because there are no VoIP accounts configured, as yet, you will likely see the "No active accounts configured" message on the 3CXPhone screen:
  9. Click on the "Options" button. This will open the MAIN MENU window on the phone.
    Before setting up VoIP Accounts, I'm going to suggest some "essential" Preferences settings first.  Without making the following suggested Preferences settings, your VoIP calls likely won't work properly.
  10. Click on "Preferences" icon-  Default - Preferences-Be sure to select your preferred Sound Devices for the Microphone input and Speaker output, as well as Ringing device.
  11. It is always recommended to use a headset with built-in microphone, for best results.
  12. If you will only be using pure VoIP (for now anyway), then you can disable Video functionality.
    General Network Settings:

  13. This is a critical setting to consider.


    The default setting of 40000 - 40019 is evidently for

     the 3CX IP-PBX framework. In any case, most WAN side SIP VoIP administrations (as far as anyone is concerned) use RTP ports in the 10000-20000 territory. This is the situation for CallCentric. Remembering, whatever you set here may likewise should be Port Forwarded or Port Triggered to go through your NAT-Router Firewall. (I myself use Port Triggering on my switches.)

  14. Naturally, the 3CXPhone is set to utilize Any Local Port. The screen catch above shows port 5070 (turned gray out) as a default nearby port, I'm assuming this is the SIP ports setting. Taste ports normally utilize the extent between 5060-5070. You can leave the default setting set to Any, or take a stab at setting it to 5060. (Make certain your switch is sending or activating on this port, or range esteem.).Whenever completed, click the OK catch to spare your settings.

  15. Once you have completed configuring the "Preferences" page, it is now time to configure the CallCentric Proxy and Log-in credentials into the "Accounts" page - Manage SIP Accounts.  This is where you create your 1st SIP VoIP provider Profile.
  16. When you click on "New", you will see a default Account Settings window:
  17. In this tutorial, I will be configuring the Account Settings Profile for CallCentric.
    Account Settings Summary:
    Set the Account Name as "CallCentric" (or, whatever you like).
    Set the Caller-ID value as your CallCentric account number (i.e. 1777xxxxxxx).
    In the Credentials section, make the following settings:
         Extension:  1777xxxxxxx  (set to your 11-digit CallCentric account number)
         ID:              1777xxxxxxx  (also, set to your 11-digit CallCentric account number)
         Password:   Set to match your CallCentric account login PW (or SIP login, if set different)
    Set My Location to be:  "I am out of the office - external IP"
    Enable:  "Use Outbound Proxy Server"
    Enter the name of the Outbound Proxy Server as:  callcentric.com.
  18. Click on the "Advanced Settings" button (lower left-hand corner of Account Settings window).
  19. The only change (or addition) here is to set your Voice Mail access code.  For CallCentric, the Voice Mail access code is "*123".To the extent codec settings go, PCMU is what might as well be called G.711u, which will give you the best sound quality. In the event that you have data transmission issues, you could move GSM up to the highest priority on the rundown as the main decision codec. This would bring down your transmission capacity use (and speak with a softer tone quality).Utilizing RFC2833 DTMF Support is ordinarily the best alternative for DTMF taking care of. Notwithstanding, you can change to "Backing INBAND DTMF" if utilizing PCMU (G.711u), yet not while utilizing GSM codec. Too, I don't prescribe empowering more than one DTMF taking care of choice at once.The 3CXPhone uses a STUN server to help with NAT-Router traversal. It defaults to stun.3cx.com, which ought to be fine. (Remember STUN uses port 3478. You might need to Port Forward or Trigger your Firewall to incorporate port 3478.... in the event that you have association/enrollment issues.
  20. Click OK button to accept all changes to the Account Advanced Settings window.
    This returns you back to the Manage SIP Accounts window.
  21. Click OK button at bottom of Accounts - Manage SIP Accounts page.
    At this point, the 3CXPhone will attempt to register with the CallCentric.com proxy servers.

    If all settings were made correct, and if your firewall(s) aren't blocking any ports, the phone should successfully register.
  22. If you see the "On Hook" status message just below the 3CX logo, you are all set and ready to make test calls!!!Making Test Calls. Alright, now it's the ideal opportunity for the huge test..... making a call. You can dial by tapping on the telephones keypads with your mouse, or simply sort the numbers straightforwardly from your PC console. CallCentric has a test number to call for call testing. It's the TellMe Information Services. TellMe can be gotten to by dialing the accompanying CallCentric in-system number: 17771234567.This number is allowed to call, as all in-system calls may be.The numbers dialed are transmitted by tapping on the "Green" telephone symbol at the base focal point of the telephone, or just by squeezing the Enter key on your PC console. (The telephone symbol is typically dim... until you start entering numbers, and after that the symbol changes to Green. Once in a call, the symbol changes to Red. Tapping the Red symbol will disengage the call.). Thats All.
Quick and Easy Installation and Configuration of VoIP On 3CXPhone 6.0 SoftPhone. Quick and Easy Installation and Configuration of VoIP On  3CXPhone 6.0 SoftPhone. Reviewed by on 1:54:00 AM Rating: 5