To the extent I'm concerned, network management is about information. In the event that you comprehend what your system and servers are doing, settling on choices is simple. I make overwhelming utilization of SNMP and MRTG to give data I consider essential on my network. Getting another hard drive from administration is much simpler when you can say "Our fileserver use develops by 2GB a month, so we require another circle introduced inside six months," instead of "Our fileserver came up short on space; we require another plate now!"

This aides, yet MRTG doesn't give any insight about what the system is really doing. So your T1 is 90% full? What hosts are mindful, and what administrations would they say they are utilizing or giving? In the event that you have MRTGified your system down to the switch level you can tell which host is utilizing that movement, yet that's it in a nutshell. You then need to start up tcpdump or examine that host in an all the more careful way.Netflow gives a session-level perspective of system movement, recording data about each TCP/IP exchange that happens over your system. It won't not be as finished a record of system activity as tcpdump can give, but at the same time it's much simpler to oversee and a great deal more enlightening when amassed. 
By session information I signify "which have conversed with which other host, on which ports, and the amount of information did they trade?" One session is a stream. Netflow can without much of a stretch let you know whether that 1.5Mb/s to your Web server is straightforward Web movement, or if your framework has turned out to be a piece of a botnet and is giving imperative help with the decimation of When you have Netflow running, you'll think about how you ever made due without it.The drawback of this perceivability is that Netflow is more entangled to set up than MRTG or other SNMP-based observing programming. The boundless exhibit of out of date and unessential documentation still accessible on surrendered Web locales and antiquated mailing list chronicles just befuddles the issue. The setup is more than justified, despite all the trouble, notwithstanding. 
Netflow Architecture.
A Netflow framework has three noteworthy segments: a sensor, an authority, and some kind of reporting framework. The sensor (otherwise called a test) is a daemon that listens to the system and catches your session information. Pretty much as with Snort or whatever other IDS framework, the authority needs to associate with a center, "reflected" switch port, or other gadget where it can see all the system activity. In case you're running a BSD or Linux firewall, this is a magnificent spot to run a Netflow authority - all the movement needs to go through this gadget in any case! This sensor wraps up the session data and hurls it at the gatherer. The gatherer is a second daemon that listens on a UDP port of your decision for reports from the sensor and dumps them into a record for later assessment. Diverse authorities store their information in various record designs. 
At long last, the reporting framework peruses the documents created by the gatherer and produces comprehensible reports. The reporting framework must have the capacity to peruse the configuration utilized by the gatherer. Since there are a wide assortment of sensor programming, authority daemon, and reporting frameworks accessible, you can pardon a newcomer for believing that Netflow is excessively confused, making it impossible to start to set up. I'd like to avoid this issue by picking a solitary particular situation that will fit 90% of system situations quickly, and that can work for the vast majority of the rest of just minor changes.
Expect that: you have a framework with BSD or Linux OS in a proper spot to go about as a sensor, with adequate ability to run the sensor programming. I locate a 500MHz CPU/256Mb RAM framework adequate to screen 20Mb/s without much trouble, so risks are you have this equipment either lying around or as of now underway yet underutilized. My exhibition will be on FreeBSD. You have a host to go about as a gatherer and reporting server. This can be the same host as your sensor, yet gathering the information and producing reports will expand load on this framework. Gifted gatecrashers likewise have an enthusiasm for Netflow information, so you ought to put the authority behind a firewall. On the off chance that you can have a Web server introduced on the authority, you can produce beautiful electronic Netflow reports. I'm utilizing FreeBSD as the gatherer and reporting framework; change the bundle names as suitable for other working frameworks.